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Strategic leadership training program for outstanding entrepreneurs opens in Beijing

Updated: June 2, 2023

The 2023 spring session of the Strategic Leadership Program for Outstanding Entrepreneurs, jointly launched by Xiamen Torch Academy and Renmin Business School (RMBS) at Renmin University of China (RUC), opened in Beijing on May 18.


Trainees of the 2023 spring session of the Strategic Leadership Program for Outstanding Entrepreneurs pose for a group photo. [Photo/WeChat account: Xiamen Torch Academy]

The six-month training session aims to shape its trainees into pioneers of the technological revolution and industrial transformation.

In his address at the opening ceremony, Zhang Jin, vice-dean of RMBS, said that the session is an innovative approach taken to cultivate talents for Xiamen and the Xiamen Torch Development Zone for High Technology Industries, as well as a new paradigm for school-enterprise cooperation and industry-education integration, which also meets the demands of national strategies and empowers the regional economy.

Fu Jing, executive vice-president of Xiamen Torch Academy, reviewed the cooperation between the academy and the RUC since its establishment two years ago, and called on the trainees to be open-minded and inclusive and to share, think and put what they have learned into practice to advance the transformation and progress of their enterprises.

Lin Guoqing, chairman of Fujian Yingnuo Innovation Energy Management Co Ltd, said that he was deeply impressed by the RUC's commitment to seeking the truth, embracing challenges and pursuing innovation. As one of the trainees, he also called on his classmates to engage in independent innovation and target common development.


Yang Xueshan, former vice-minister of industry and information technology and former deputy director of the State Council Informatization Office, gives a lecture at the training program. [Photo/WeChat account: Xiamen Torch Academy]

Subsequent to the opening ceremony, Yang Xueshan, former vice-minister of industry and information technology and former deputy director of the State Council Informatization Office, gave a themed lecture on the strategies and channels to facilitate enterprises’ digital transformation. He encouraged enterprises to take an objective attitude toward digital transformation, which is correlated with industrial evolution, organization building, and the improvement of enterprises' profitability and competitiveness.

The program also included two themed dialogues on the current situation and prospects of generative artificial intelligence and the policy foundation and evaluation system for world-class enterprises, as well as visits to the BOE Technology Innovation Center and Chinese PC maker Lenovo.


Huang Weiping, first dean of the School of Economics at the RUC, gives a lecture at the training program. [Photo/WeChat account: Xiamen Torch Academy]

Huang Weiping, first dean of the School of Economics at the RUC, presented a lecture on macroeconomics on May 20. He expounded on China’s macroeconomic policies and the challenging business environment faced by enterprises amid profound changes unseen in a century, and called on entrepreneurs to grasp the development rules of industrial transformation, understand policies and seize opportunities.

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